Writing Process

It’s Time to Write that Research Paper

Research paper. The two most dreaded words for the college student. How do you navigate these academic trials (and is it possible to even enjoy them)? Research is a time-consuming process, yet one that is important to do well. Good research is, of course, a protection against plagiarism, but it is more importantly an opportunity for you to explore something that deeply interests you!

Research Writing at Wheaton

Writing a Concert Review: Tips from a Conservatory Student

How do I write about the music I hear at a concert? 

Most undergraduate students will face this question at some point during their time at Wheaton, as Introduction to Music professors ask their students to submit written concert reviews. 

Writing Process

Timed Writes: How to Plan, Draft, and Revise

Timed writing can certainly be nerve wracking. With the strategies in this post, you can confidently prepare for any timed writes you may face during midterms season and beyond.

Research Writing at Wheaton

Library Research at Wheaton in the COVID-19 Era

Although the world is in the grip of a pandemic, college students are still writing research-intensive papers. For Wheaton College, this means altering library systems and practices to keep our neighbors and ourselves safe while we research.